Ok, so I’m usually the first one to preach against artificial sweeteners, and that’s why I’m taking the opportunity today to introduce you to a non-artificial sweetener, this is an all-natural product and I’ll give it its due. I’m a brown cane sugar man myself, but to each their own… some of us don’t want any calories in that morning coffee, so here you go!

So, what is PureVia? Well, it’s a sweetener made by Whole Earth Sweetener Co, but that doesn’t really help, does it?

PureVia is a sweetener that is based on the Stevia plant (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni). This leafy green plant is member of the Chrysanthemum family and has acted as a natural herbal sweetener in South America for centuries. Stevia has no calories and no carbohydrates. The plant is often called “Ka’a He’e” (“Sweet Herb”) in Guarani, the indigenous language of Paraguay and parts of Brazil where the stevia leaf has been used as a sweetener for hundreds of years.

PureVia is made by a natural process. A pure extract of the naturally sweet stevia plant is used as the feature of PureVia’s sweetness. The extract (called ‘Reb A’) is the sweetest part of the stevia plant and is an integral part of the creation of this sweetner. PureVia starts with simple stevia leaves, which are first milled and then steeped in water using a brewing method that is similar to brewing tea. The resulting extract is then further purified to separate the Reb A using a mixture of water and ethanol. Reb A is then blended with other natural ingredients and flavors to create the great tasting, all natural, zero calorie sweetener.

I don’t know if I’m ready to start substituting it into my baking recipes (and I don’t think it’s intended for that yet, as servings are sugar packets, not boxes), but Purevia certainly has an authentic texture like that of sugar without all the calories. The product is safe for diabetics and people watching their sugar intake. I can easily see stevia (and PureVia) growing in popularity as a sweetener for coffees and teas. Good, no more artificial garbage!
