So you always wondered what happened when the dish ran away with the spoon, right?

Ok, well maybe it’s not the child of this star-crossed pair, but say hello to the Spife anyway.. Spifes (yes, it’s a spoon/knife) are being handed out to kiwi-fruit lovers everywhere. This tool is specially crafted and perfectly designed to slice open a kiwi and allow you to eat it, all with one utensil!

The kiwi is an often overlooked fruit. Most people don’t realize that this small but mighty fruit packs more essential nutrients, bite for bite, than the 27 most popular fruits (apples, oranges, plums, bananas, etc, etc).  A Rutgers University study concluded that the kiwifruit is actually one of the most nutrient-dense fruits on earth (I know, really!!?).  Kiwi’s are high in Potassium, Vitamin C, fiber, and have very low glycemic levels. Basically, make a kiwi and quinoa risotto and you’ll never have to eat anything else again!

One serving of kiwifruit contains more potassium than a banana, the vitamin C of two oranges, and all the fiber in a bowl of cereal (absurd!). Now this perfect fruit has the perfect utensil as well;  the Spife really is a great tool for kids to “cut and scoop” this nutritious lunch addition.

Kiwis are also a wonderful addition to any smoothie routine:
2 ZESPRI gold Kiwifruit
1 small banana
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup yogurt
ice cubes

1. Slice kiwifruit into halves and spoon the fruit out into a blender or food processor.
2. Add the banana, orange juice and yogurt.
3. Blend, until smooth, taking care not to crush the kiwifruit seeds, as this can make your smoothie bitter.
4. Pour over ice cubes into two long glasses.

There’s a new fruit to consider… Kiwi, it’s the other green fruit.
