The “lunch wars” are taking off. Everyone is fighting for your newly reduced lunch budget. Hey, we’re all tightening our belts, so who wants to have to loosen it at the same time (stay off the fast food burgers!)? There are a number of large chain restaurants (and thankfully smaller mom/pop restaurants) that have been rolling out the specials, trying to get us to still eat out in these harder times.Quiznos Toasty Bullet

Quiznos has fired the latest shot in the ongoing lunch saga, stepping all over Subway’s $5 footlong promotion with the introduction of two different types of subs, both under $5!! Get ready for the Toasty Bullet & Toasty Torpedo subs. The Quiznos Toasty Bullet sub is actually a pretty good deal (as eating out goes); an 8 inch sandwich for only $3 while a recent survey of Americans’ lunch habits found that they spend, on average, $5.60 on lunch each day.

The Toasty Bullet and its larger sibling, the Toasty Torpedo sub (a 13″, thin baguette sandwich) are both available in 5 varieties: Big Kahuna Tuna, Pesto Turkey, Italian, Turkey Bacon Club, Beef, Bacon & Cheddar. Though I’m not usually a fan of the deli-chains.. there was nothing wrong with my recently tasted Pesto Turkey Toasty Bullet, I might even say I enjoyed it… and I certainly applaud the portion sizing. These sandwiches are a proper sized meal, steering us all away from over-eating through recessionary economics, see.. there is a silver lining to every cloud…
