Sorry, but I couldn’t think of a better title for one of the most bizarre food creations I’ve seen to-date. Though I’ve certainly seen some food in restaurants that could be labeled ‘molecular gastronomy’, this is one of the first commercially produced food product I’ve seen in a long time that awed me… and not in a good way.

What is it you ask? It’s bacon in a squeeze-tube. Yes, it’s Squeez Bacon. This miracle of modern science was apparently the brainchild of a young man working in a small restaurant in Sweden. Shortly after WWII ended, with all types of developments on the horizon, Vilhelm Lillefläsk developed a truly new way to process bacon; by precooking it and blending it, he was then able to produce a fully cooked, 100% bacon paste… Oh, but it gets worse. Vilhelm’s creation has crossed the pond and is now available for purchase in the United States. This ‘amazing’ invention retails for $8/bottle. That’s about a $56 heart attack by my calculatoins. (NO, I’m not telling you where to buy it!).