I posted a tidbite a while back about the promotional lunch with Tom Colicchio at Craft Atlanta. Today I have the luxury of writing about an actual dining experience at Craft. My good friend spoiled me this year, taking me to Craft Atlanta for a celebratory dinner on my birthday. I must say that there is little better that can be done for a true foodie than treating them to a fine meal with company… and what a meal we had!!

We started with a bit of bubbly… (how else can you celebrate??). A small amuse bouche of pulled-pork gougeres followed before we really hit full stride with the food. Shared appetizers included Kabocha squash & sage tortelloni as well as a delightful plate of mixed baby beets. Our entree selection was difficult, with so many variations to decide upon (Craft serves all proteins ‘plain’, with ala carte vegetable decisions left entirely to the diner). We eventually settled on Gulf Red Snapper with roasted tomato as well as a perfectly seared duck breast… Hot debate further ensued, with our side dishes finally finalized as roast baby carrots, Brussels sprouts and Haukeri turnips.. a winter menu to die for!

The food and dining experience were unforgettable, but my friend and I also had the added enjoyment of having the BEST table in the restaurant; sitting side-by-side in a window booth, facing the entire dining room as if it were a play for our personal enjoyment.

Though absolutely stuffed, birthday dessert was a must; consisting of brown sugar-crème fraîche cake, roasted Manzano bananas and brown sugar ice cream… SUPERYUM!

Thank you so much Sous!

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