It’s officially the new year. It hasn’t just started, it’s almost February… have you made any headway on your new year’s resolutions? Was it to get back in the gym? To lay off dessert? To spend more time with the family? Heck, maybe it was just to be a better person… There are a number of great tasks you could have set for yourself, but if you were a restaurant, you’d only have one new year’s resolution for 2010… get some people in the seats this year! 2009 was a very bad year for the world’s economy in general. It’s hard to say who had it worse, and why bother bickering over such calamity? It is however newsworthy to note, that restaurants took a significant dose of trauma here in the U.S. (as did many ‘leisure’ expenditure-based businesses).Baum & Whiteman Restaurant Consulting

In preparation for 2010, ‘famed’ restaurant consulting group Baum & Whiteman has introduced their newest list of trends.. the do’s and dont’s of making a restaurant tick in the upcoming year. Interesting observations include their belief that creative portion-sizing (family-portion plates) will be influential, that more spruced-up low-fare (gourmet burgers) will bring consumers back to spending in general and that buzzwords ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ will be replaced by ‘local’ and ‘handmade’… An interesting read all in all.. Check out their full report on 2010 Restaurant Trends here.

The Joseph Baum & Michael Whiteman Company was founded in 1970. Known for creating two of the world’s largest grossing restaurants and more 3-star restaurants than anyone else in the U.S., Joseph Baum is considered the “father of the new American restaurant”. Michael Whiteman is founding editor of Nation’s Restaurant News. Their first project was the creation of Windows on the World.