Appetite — A reciprocal relationship between food & design is free exhibition presented by The Herb Lubalin Study Center at The Cooper Union and is open to the public.appetite_promo

WHAT: “Appetite, ” an innovative exhibition at 41 Cooper Gallery curated by the Herb Lubalin Study Center at The Cooper Union, illustrates the ubiquitous presence of the designer in food packaging, store and restaurant branding, cookbooks, magazines, menus and other objects—both historic and contemporary. While including important works by AvroKO, Matteo Bologna, Louise Fili, Sterling Brand’s Debbie Millman and Douglas Ricardi, the exhibition also acknowledges the subtle and unexpected ways designers influence our lives and daily relationship with food — from the pattern of the waiter’s check to the typeface on the grocery store’s price labels to the hand-painted signs on bodegas. “Appetite” will leave the viewer contemplating the influence of graphic design on food, wondering if design creates appetite?

Opening reception: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 6-8pm
Exhibition Dates: September 14-October 9, 2010
Exhibition Hours: Monday-Friday 12-7, Saturday 12-5
Closed: Sundays


WHERE:  The Cooper Union
41 Cooper Gallery (41 Cooper Sq., 3rd Ave. b/w 6th and 7th Sts.) Lower Level 1
New York, NY 10003

For more information call  212.353.4200 or click here

– bonnie