When we were turned away from The Fish Pot for lack of a reservation on our drive around the island, we asked for suggestions of where to eat. They spouted all the top places, which also needed reservations.

“Where do Bajan’s grab a bite?”

The response was to drive about 5 minutes north in St. Elmo’s, and as soon as we saw a fresh fish stand on the right to look left for a supermarket and bar. At first we passed it, but turned around and parked right in front next to the construction outside, building a porch.

Off the beaten path with our stop is a gross understatement. Many folks I know would never have stepped foot into this dive, no less eat there.

Annette greeted us and described all the food in the buffet that she has cooked. We selected Conch Soup, Grilled Marlin with cou-cou (made from cornmeal and part of the national dish of Barbados) and salad, and Lamb Stew with Christmas Rice (with beans, peas, raisins and nuts).

The food was superb. And cheap, as a meal costs less than $7 a person the beer (Banks) only 50 cents. Worth seeking out on a drive around Barbados, that is if you can find it.