Just arriving on our shelves is Quri, an award-winning Peruvian vodka made from quinoa sourced from a single-family farm and ancient Andean glacier water filtered through volcanic stone. It’s one of two vodkas in the world made from the locally originated grain, with Quri the only one produced in the Andes.

If you’re not familiar with this nutritious grain, quinoa seeds are richer in protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins and dietary minerals than many grains. Quinoa has been farmed for over 5000 years by the Incas. And now, it’s the base for this vodka, one with a mission to better the lives of the Andes people.

The distinct slightly grain flavor has already put it on the map with a 92-point rating from NY spirits Comp and a gold medal at the 2020 China Wine and Spirits Awards.

The company has pledged 5% of its net profits to Peruvian Hearts, a non-profit organization that helps  the community’s young women.

The vodka is available at Quri Vodka site ($34.99 for a 75o ml).