The Starbucks publicist kept reaching out to me, to try their new breakfast offerings being introduced this month.

I procrastinated about doing so as I found neither the tiny dark photos on the press release nor their descriptions enticing. And — from my past experience running through airports (my time to frequent Starbucks) — all I could imagine were their high-fat, calorie-laden scones, cakes and muffins.

But dutifully, I figured I must.  And I thought, better with a friend and invited Diane to meet me there one morning to taste test their numerous offering.

We both were pleasantly surprised, not only by the tasty whole-grain nutritious offerings but by the helpful staff who came by the table while we were sampling to share their excitement about the breakfast.TB_Starbucks_Oatmeal.jpg

Starbucks breakfast choices include —  a cup of freshly prepared oatmeal. I like mine only with salt; Diane tried hers with the dried cranberries, nut medley and each of the two syrups offered with (depending on your toppings) 140 to 390 calories and 4 to 7 grams fiber; $2.45

— a power protein plate with a hard-cooked egg, a mini whole wheat bagel, peanut TB_Starbucks_Berry_Bar.jpgbutter, a cheese chunk, apple slices and grapes with 330 calories, 16 grams protein and 5 grams fiber; $4.95

— a Baked Berry Stella, a not-too-sweet, whole grain pastry with 200 calories; $1.75

— and,  a Chewy Fruit & Nut Bar. I thought this would be a pre-wrapped bar like other  bars.  Instead it’s a chewy (and a bit sticky) blend of oats,, fruit, nuts seeds and honey for 250 calories, 5 grams protein and 4 grams fiber; $1.75.

So next time your in Starbucks for a cup of java, do check out their new breakfasts. Nutritious and tasty breakfast.