Diehard American Idol fans take note.

You have until April 29 to enter to win a 3 day/2 night trip for four to the American Idol finales in Los Angeles in May. Trip includes coach air fare,TB_American-Idol-ice-cream.jpg hotel and $3,500 in spending money – an estimated retail value of $12,000. No purchase is required. Other prizes include a Nintendo® Wii™ and an American Idol video game.

With only one trip offered, you’ll want to enter by voting early and often (but only once per day per household ) for one of five new ice cream flavors at www.slowchurned.com.

American Idol Season Six Finalists Chris Richardson and Melinda Doolittle TB_American-Idol-girl.jpghost the musical web site, encouraging votes for a sultry, tiara-wearing half-gallon of “Cheesecake Diva,” or for a container of “Most Orange-inal” with headphones throbbing to an original rap number. You get the picture.TB_American-Idol-boy.jpg

If you like Edy’s more than American Idol, concentrate on winning one of the 1,500 ice cream block parties through a brief essay contest at the same web site. Nothing like sharing ice cream to make you a neighborhood hero…