I always made my own until I sampled City Saucery’s Spicy Calabrian all-purpose tomato sauce, Same with other friends I gave jars to try.

Yes, it’s that good.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Brooklyn-based company, they source local fresh, overripe tomatoes and oddly shaped carrots that would go to waste and turn them into their sauces, one called Ugly Tomato Sauce.

City Saucery makes the Spicy Calabrian sauce from tomatoes, onions, olives, carrots, scallions, EVOO, basil, sea salt and wild oregano with a kick from Calabrian chilies. 

When I stopped by the booth to return an empty jar to receive $1 off my next one, I noticed their Calabrian chili spread. Michael Moret, one of the owners, was manning the booth that morning. If I was a fan of the Spicy Calabrian sauce, he thought I’d also like their Calabrian Spread (8-ounce jar, $10 at Union Square Market) made with the chilies, oil, garlic, distilled vinegar, sea salt and oregano. It’s also available on their website, citysaucery.com.

So far, I’ve used it in my salad dressing, deviled eggs, drizzled over cheese and on sandwiches. I’m planning to make shakshuka with it next. Lovin’ the spiciness.