World Travel

Happenings around the world

Yves Tierenteyn-Verlent Fresh Mustard from Ghent, Belgium

Bonnie: “It’s the only place you can purchase this very special mustard,” explained my sister’s friend Hart as he asked me whether I’d like to take a drive with him to purchase it.

“Sure,” I said without asking any questions, as I was intrigued.

Hart and I were both houseguests at my sister’s home in Brussels during a cold and dreary February. I thought a short drive into downtown Brussels might be a fun — and interesting — outing. I’d recently...

Bryan: I love the story of Yves Tierenteyn-Verlent. It is a story of culinary romance, dedication, history and craftsmanship. Of food as art, as tradition, as a representation of a people and a place. The simple story of this mustard is a powerful reminder of what pieces of ourselves we choose to maintain as a society.

Modern Europe is formed from the cultural patchwork of thousands of cities, towns and villages spread across a number of languages and locations. With such diversity of backgrounds and geography...

Eric: There are a few condiments that I can easily live without: relish, BBQ-sauce and mustard. I’m sure there are others in my fridge that will never see the light of day, but these three, in particular, will never even see the inside of my fridge. There are a few tastes that just don’t agree with you (and if you love the taste of everything, then you haven’t tried enough). I will gladly eat just about anything, but mustard seed is one of those tastes that never ...

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Westbound Crossing on the Queen Mary 2

Bonnie: I had best-laid plans of blogging every day of my recent transatlantic crossing on the Queen Mary 2. I did type up some notes, but was way too busy with all the on-board activities to report to you on a daily basis. Won’t promise that again. But let me share about this extraordinary 100th crossing of the QM2. The Queen Mary 2: Grandeur reminiscent of the Titanic at the time it sailed. After an impressively organized boarding procedure and civilized security (shoes allowed), we found our way to our stateroom, so much more spacious and luxurious than I anticipated. With about 380 square feet, it’s bigger than many NYC [...]

By |2017-08-31T20:50:18-04:00October 15th, 2008|World Travel|4 Comments
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