DSCN0973 Last month Pastures of Plenty farm, artists C. Gregory and Jenny Gummersall and musician Tyller Gummersall came together for an evening of art, music, and food to raise money for the Conscious Alliance organization.

Big Bang Catering provided locally grown, mostly organic Colorado food for the sold-old event that brought individuals from as far east as Maryland. Lyle Davis, — chef/owner of Pastures of Plenty farm and Big Bang Catering — served local artisan cheeses, Colorado peaches with polenta in a gorgonzola sauce, a traditional Greek salad, pork loin,251482_663785611603_45202582_34560888_1281133_n and grilled shrimp with Dante, Avant and Parducci wines. The music and art of the Gummersall family complemented the night.

The evening raised $1000 for the local non-profit Conscious Alliance, a non-profit organization committed to distributing food to impoverished communities across the United States.

– special correspondent Stephanie Arellano