Even CSA’s — community supported agriculture — are modernizing.

Until recently the only way to participate in a CSA was to purchase a “share” (AKA a membership or subscription). In return, you would receive a box of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season, filled with whatever was harvested.

CSAs are good for everyone. They help the farmer’s cash flow, connect consumers to the farmers, provide consumers with ultra fresh food and reduce the carbon footprint.

(A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced through burning fossil fuels for transportation, electricity, heating, etc.)

Hindinger Farm (Hamden, CT) now offers a CSA share that lets you select what you want. No box of weekly miscellaneous veggies that most traditional participants receive.

Last week while I was visiting my niece Cindy in San Luis Obispo, I experienced the over-abundance of fresh vegetables first hand. Cindy’s fridge was overflowing with her uneaten share — beets, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabaga, fava beans, beet greens, spring onions and more. While prepping the root veggies to roast them, I remembered why I never purchased a share: I travel too much for business and would be unable to utilize all the weekly fresh veggies.  That and I’ve heard many a friend who’s had a share ask, “Any suggestions for using 10 pounds of kohlrabi?” (Or substitute almost any veggie.)

But now I bought my “share” (so to speak) by purchasing Hindinger’s new pre-paid CSA debit card. I can use the card for anything in their retail shop, which is run by Liz Hindinger and her mom Anne.  Until the end of June, they’re offering a $100 CSA card for $90.  Hindinger has cash ahead of time, and you get to select the foods you want when  you want them.

It’s a win-win situation — one that I’d like to suggest to other farmers who either have a retail shop or who sell at farmers markets. Let’s get others to offer consumers these new prepaid cards — and get more consumers involved CSAs!

Hindinger Farm
835 Dunbar Hill Road
Hamden, CT 06514