New product preview: This September, Bosch Household Appliances will launch a new Tassimo brewer (see the machine in our February 6, 08 Featured Bite). Seems that Procter & Gamble (P&G) acquired Braun, the current producer of the machines.

Since Kraft (owner of Tassimo and manufacturer of what it brews) and P&G are coffee competitors the continued Braun-Kraft Tassimo partnership was ill advised. Those T DISC that we reviewed will not change and will be compatible with both the current Braun and future Bosch brewers. And, I’ve been told Braun will continue to provide full after-sales service to Tassimo consumers who own a Braun brewer.

More as I learn about it as additional information is currently embargoed until next week when Bosch unveils the new machine at the International Housewares Show in Chicago.